LIST-Building Connections Well-being

Staying Connected

Staying connected to people has a positive effect on our general well-being. Feelings of depression can thrive on isolation and loneliness (which is different from ‘alone time’).

Knowing that other people are there and care about you can make it easier to care for yourself.

Try to make time to catch up with people and avoid being isolated. Mobile phones and the web are useful tools for staying connected when meeting people face-to-face isn’t possible.

It is helpful to have a range of people in your life that you share different levels and kinds of connections with. Relationships help build a sense of belonging and self-worth. There’s also evidence that well-being can be passed on through relationships, so that being around people with strong mental well-being can improve your own mental well-being.

Take time to nurture relationships and connections:

  • Go for a coffee or drink with someone
  • Do something fun or relaxing with a friend
  • Join a social group
  • Take up a team sport or activity
  • Engage in random acts of kindness
  • Check the local paper for what is going on in your community
  • Write a letter to a friend
  • Say hello to people walking in your neighbourhood
  • Visit your local library
  • Make time each day to spend with family or friends. This might include “family time” that is fixed each day, or time that you find around other commitments.
  • Arrange a day out with friends you haven’t seen for a while.
  • Switch off the TV tonight and play a game with the children, or just talk.
  • Speak to someone new today.
  • Have lunch with a colleague.
  • Visit a friend or family member who needs support or company.

Remember, that not everyone in your life has to know everything about you. It might be worth making that extra effort to connect with supportive people who give you energy and taking a break from relationships that seem draining at the moment.

While ideally there may be a few people you would trust to talk to about problems related to sexual abuse, there are probably other people in your life as well who it might be good to just connect and spend time with.